Wednesday, August 28, 2013

We are still alive!

The first week of school is kicking my butt.  I haven't ridden since Sunday, however, tomorrow is the day. So look for an update then.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I have had 3 GREAT rides this week, but I feel like I am cheating a little.  I have been riding in his hackamore.  I always call it easy mode when we don't have a bit in his mouth.

Even with no weight on the reins he fusses.

Our first ride was in the grass dressage arena.  It tends to be the softest on his feet.  I started by just walking and trotting a few laps in both directions to check soundness.  After we got all our coughs out and he proved to be sound we went to work at a walk.  I insisted that we move forward with purpose.  WITHOUT jigging or curling up.  I wanted him to reach forward.  After about 10 minutes we had a beautiful adjustable swinging walk no matter what I asked: shoulder-in, check; Leg-yielding, check; turn-on-the-hind, check.  Our work went forward from there - his trot was supply and easy to sit.  He bent himself around my leg and was really 'stretchy.'  We even did shallow counter canter loops.  PERFECT.

Our next rides were much the same.  It seems that waiting until we have the perfect walk is the key to relaxation.  Even today when the canter work made him spazz out and get tense; going back to calm lateral movements at the walk made him settle.

We are bringing this sexy walk back!!  I know you are jealous!

The only bummer - I tried to jump.  Pony was awesome: my knee was awful.

All that aside, I cannot think of a better note to leave town on.
That's right Chicago here I come!