Monday, April 26, 2010


It is officially boobquake day!! I know that I for one will be in support of this - especially since I do not have work today and thus CANNOT BE FIRED!! WOOT!

and a comic


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ick Day

SO my day started when my mother woke me up at o dark thirty, due to extreme abdominal pain... off to the hospital she went.

I got ready for school and made it in. I had a really mice talk with the sub across the hall about being dual licensed. I looked more at the texts today for the first 2 regular English classes. I don't know if I like them.... they are a Bedford anthology that focuses not just on texts and types of lit. but also on writing process and practice. This made the flow odd and weird - some authors/ texts are stressed and many predominate authors have no representation other than photos and one line quotes. I think that the writing aspects of the book make no sense and are no used or read as supplemental material at all!

If you have to use a text book an anthology is the best way to go - they don't need to be extremely current most of the time which saves money and it allows the teacher to diversify texts easier without requiring an abundance of resources.

Then a boy threw up..... everywhere!





I have no summation of this day - my mind is wiped. I have a class to go to and I am very exhausted.