Dutch and his new-ish girl friend. They are separated now because he wants to fight with they boys that get to be on her side on the fence.
These next pictures are all from around X-mas time.
Paul and my kitten who's name is Maserati but that we call 'girl-cat.'
She is hopelessly in love with Paul.D-man.
Dad being weird with the tree lights.
Paul and my kitten who's name is Maserati but that we call 'girl-cat.'
She is hopelessly in love with Paul.D-man.
Spring in N.C. Our barn is in the best little community- we can ride anywhere!!
My boys.... actually getting along!!! (OK so Dutch was freaked out at a bunny and Paul was afraid he was going to be stepped on... but still!!)
I love this picture because it looks like a post card!!
My boys.... actually getting along!!! (OK so Dutch was freaked out at a bunny and Paul was afraid he was going to be stepped on... but still!!)
I love this picture because it looks like a post card!!
The Trip Down to the Beach was one of 10000 bridges... some that you could look down and see the water below. It was the most nerve racking trip I have ever taken!!
Dutch in our little rented trailer, his eyes are so pretty. This was taken at a Truck stop.. he was begging the man next to us for yummy food.
His temp. home in S.C.
His temp. home in S.C.
Hi, Gina. You've won the "when will the chickens lay an egg" contest over at my blog. Please e-mail me at the7msn at gmail dot com and I will send you the information to claim your gift certificate.