Tuesday, February 16, 2010


In one of my teaching classes we have been working on a "Whats your story" assignment. My whats your story included many things about me: my adoption, my struggles in school with various learning disabilities and over medication, significant injures that I have obtained through my life, my "revelation moment," all my grand goals for the future. When distilling this into an image or poster to represent my whole story I found focusing on all of these things chaotic. The real truth of who I am and why I teach would take days and weeks to understand because I don't completely understand it. Instead here is a poster that tells you enough about me to grow on. There rest is transient, always changing. These are stable beliefs or moments that I think tell you important things about who I am.

Since I couldn't add music to my poster I am going to included one of my favorite songs. Its a little older... and VERY funky... so if you choose... enjoy.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feet Feet Feet Feet

SO here are before and after pics of Dutch's feet when the farrier came out today. I see a lot of the same issues ie. flaring, and long toe in both. Do I try and force him to do a more aggressive trim, or do I trust that he knows what he is doing? This is the best Dutch's feet have looked since I have had him.... This is just going to be about his front feet as his backs have always been pretty good.

I am also Struggling with the decision of taking him barefoot. In my heart I know that this is what I want for my horse, but EVERYONE who has had their hands on him says I am crazy.

The Pictures:

Right Front from after trim and new shoes
Left Front from after trim and new shoes
Right front- new shoes
Right front -New shoes
Left front - new shoes
Left front - new shoes

The next few pictures are from before he was re-shod and he had leather pads on his front feet.



I think that he could have been much more aggressive but was trying to do as little change as possible in light of removing the pads.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Vet visit!!

Our vet came out to the barn today. This visit was scheduled because Dutch was not moving like his usual self. He has had stifle issues in the past and we noticed last week that he just wasn't pushing off of his left hind like he should through turns and when we schooled lateral movement. So out came our GREAT vet! He watched him move and had us put him on the lunge. He concluded same thing we did, both stifles are sore but the left more than the right.
So he doped Dutch up, Sleepy Pony!
He injected both Stifles but uses two injection sites on the left leg, as that one was worse. When he placed the needle he got quite a bit of yellowed fluid from the joints but he said that it had not gotten to the nasty stage yet so we are hoping that this treatment will take him back to his usual 120%.

While he was sedated we decided to go ahead and float his teeth. He didn't have any major hooks or point, but I believe in having a horses teeth looked at min. once a year, ESPECIALLY on a horse like Dutch who is a hard keeper. It just climates a possible stress factor that can lead to weight loss.
This is Dutch with the speculum in his mouth.

The vet gave him the ok to go back to work lightly on Thursday. The next few days due to both the injections and incoming weather he has been proscribed hand walking and stall rest. Its time like this that I envy barns that have treadmills for their horses. Tomorrow the farrier will be out so I will post some before and after photos.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Right now I am waiting to get into a clinical classroom so my next few posts will probably be all about horses. I clipped Dutch today! As you can see above, I still need to go back and finish his legs but I think he looks good! This week the vet and farrier are coming so expect posts about both.

Happy Super Bowel Sunday!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Well as the first post I should introduce myself and why I am writing.

My name is Gina. I am a grad student at University, trying to finish getting my teaching license. I want to teach English and History.

Outside of the classroom I am a rider! I have been riding since I was 6 years old. I have a thoroughbred cross, named Dutch, that I am training to event. I also focus on Dressage.

This blog will explore my growth as both teacher and student, in the classroom and in the saddle.