Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feet Feet Feet Feet

SO here are before and after pics of Dutch's feet when the farrier came out today. I see a lot of the same issues ie. flaring, and long toe in both. Do I try and force him to do a more aggressive trim, or do I trust that he knows what he is doing? This is the best Dutch's feet have looked since I have had him.... This is just going to be about his front feet as his backs have always been pretty good.

I am also Struggling with the decision of taking him barefoot. In my heart I know that this is what I want for my horse, but EVERYONE who has had their hands on him says I am crazy.

The Pictures:

Right Front from after trim and new shoes
Left Front from after trim and new shoes
Right front- new shoes
Right front -New shoes
Left front - new shoes
Left front - new shoes

The next few pictures are from before he was re-shod and he had leather pads on his front feet.



I think that he could have been much more aggressive but was trying to do as little change as possible in light of removing the pads.

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