Monday, March 1, 2010

Good Wishes PLEASE!!!

Today's picture is from LOL Cats, but it is such a Dutch reaction it is funny. He is very affectionate and loves smaller animals, except when he does and then he wants to flatten them. I appreciated the humor of this today when he tried to pounce on one of the barn cats during his ride. Silly pony, kitties are for petting not pouncing,

Tomorrow I hear back for the first round of interviews for Teach for America. I really want to get into this program, I really like the work and research they are doing and am inspired by the community they build around each teacher.

That said I still am not working a regular job, and my training and riding money is barely covering for the basics. Things really need to change in the job front or it is going to get very uncomfortable for me. Dutch's feed is 80-100 dollars per month and his shoes are 75 dollars per month and those things cannot be skimped on.

In other Dutch news, the mysterious lameness that plagued us this past week appears to be an abscess that blew out near his frog. I think was due to the fact that his shoes seem to be a little too small. I am going to ask my farrier to go back to the large shoes with the squared off toe instead of rounding his foot down to the shoe.

My classes are going well, I am starting to really get into the meat of this semesters work and am excited about my in school work. I will explore this more in a post soon.

For now I am just praying about the TfA job.

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