Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Well on the Horse front, dressage is going well, he is really starting to push from behind and develop a top line. However, he doesn't like to stretch into the bit, I can get stretchy after about 45 mins of work or if I completely throw the reins away.

This shows up in his jumping work as well, he tucks his chin and rushes the last stride no matter what the excersize is... this is just another symptom of how much my first trainer screwed him up. He doesn't trust the bit not to hurt him and he cannot relax when jumping because he feels like if he slows down he is going to get trapped.

Our solution - breast plate/ neck rope and riding on the buckle.

For the next 2 weeks to a month he is doing to go around with the lighted contact on his face as possible- all half halts with be done through the breast plate or voice, which he listens to well. At least 3 times a week we will trot over cross rails and halt in a straight line, if he gets fast we will walk them. We will also do lots of ground poles. No straight lines (on the flat) and no collection until he decompresses.

Will post video and pictures soon... especially a weight and a conformation critique. He has changed dramatically from this winter.

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