Sunday, July 21, 2013


Ok, so I started this for a class years ago.  I am now going to make an attempt to revive it and become an actual blogger.

To begin again - Who we are-

Me: a not-yet-thirty high school teacher.  I have only three serious  horse goals. 1. A solid season eventing at BN; 2. Complete a 25 mile endurance ride; and 3. keep my horse sound and happy.  I also want to loose 20 lbs this year.  Hopefully typing these goals out will hep keep me motivated.

Pony:  Dutch is 2000 model Thoroughbred cross gelding.  He has been mine for 6 years.  He has a heart of gold, feet of glass, and the temper of a drunk Irishman.  In the next post I will expand a little on our never ending hoof saga, but really I see it as our only major road block to complete world domination.

I hope that by recording my thoughts here it will help me celebrate the good, shake off the bad, and keep moving forward.

Until next time, Life is good!

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